Link to Celia Barajas instagram accountLink to write a message to Celia via Whatsapp
3. Can Celia develop a site she hasn’t design? Can she design a site without developing it? Yes, she can both things.

4. How long does it takes to build a site? Usually a project can take between 3 and 6 weeks to design and build it. It depends on the size and its complexity.
1. What's the first step in the process? It starts with a meeting where the client and Celia discuss the website's needs and goals.

Once it's finished Celia sends to the client a proposal which contains a detailed services' breakdown as well as a budget's scope for the entire project. The project starts when an agreement take place.
2. How much costs a site designed and developed by Celia? It depends of the complexity of a project. However, the latests 3 projects designed and developed by Celia had a final price between 200$ USD to 500$ USD
Privacy policy
1. Personal information Celia collects personal information that users voluntarily provide to her in emails and messages sent via whatsapp, gmail and instagram.

This personal information is usually first name, maiden name, last name, and nickname; email addresses; and data contained within the emails sent to her.

The purpose of this is to keep an efficient communication with her potential and actual clients. She keeps this information safe from Vendors, Consultants and Other Third-Party.

2. Payment data No payment data is processed through this website.
3. User experience analysisAnonimous user behaviour’s data would be collected to better understand the efficiency of the actual site’s design.
Celia will not share, sell, rent or trade any of your information with third parties for their promotional purposes.

5. Intellectual property rightsCelia owns the intellectual property of this site and the ones she designs. If some design is copied without permission she saves her right to initiate some legal proceedings.
1. Call viasCelia Barajas’ scheduled calls will take place in the following tools: Whatsapp Calls / Videocalls, Google meet or Zoom.
2. A call's approximated time
Celia Barajas saves her right to not complete the 30 minutes call's suggested time.
3. Putting off and cancelationCelia Barajas saves her right to not accept a call booking, as well as to put off a call or cancel it.
4. The meaning of booking a call and having itCelia Barajas doesn’t commit to build a site by the moment a call is booked and either by the moment a call has taken place.